Did you know I was still alive? Did you know I still cook almost every night? Well, I am and I do. I know this sounds like a broken record, but I am really trying to get back to blogging, at least here on the food site. I have some new recipes I have tried and want to put up. I just need to make it a priority. Something I do for me! Because I really like it. In any case, here is what we are eating this week!
Monday-- Breakfast for Dinner
Tuesday-- Cheeseburger Biscuit Bake
Wednesday-- Salmon and couscous (which will be a first for us)
Thursday-- Kobayashi Maru
Friday-- Hoppin' John
Saturday-- Chicken & Gnocchi Soup
Sunday-- Still open, maybe leftovers?
I Can Call You Boobie...
10 hours ago